Hi everyone!
Hum…. first of all I have to apologize to all of you for disappearing like that for heurm, two years…(outch!) My sincere apologies to all of you dear readers. From my last entry ( my Illustration & Design vernissage) in 2011, my life took a very fast and might I say, unexpected turn.
From that summer with the vernissage, I ended up with a new job, a new home, then with another new job and pretty much with a new life. The last two years have had their share of ups and downs and time seemed to have just disappeared from my schedule. I was alway busy - you had proof with my school years posts - but the last two years seemed hectic, with way too much to do and with way not enough time. And the ''me'' time seemed to have dissapered in the land of missing socks. You know it was there one day and simply gone the next.
Don't get me wrong, it was mostly a great two years and I learned a l-o-t in those two years. I'm just sad I left things on the side I shouldn't have.
I must admit it feels pretty good picking up writing again and even though I'm going to keep it short - mostly because my lovely boyfriend asked me to bake him a cake and it's almost 9 o'clock on my side of the globe - but I'm really glad I'm starting off 2014 with a post on January 7 : ) !
My goals for 2014….? Well, I have way too many - like a few of you I'm pretty sure - but mostly I want to put some ''me time'' back into my schedule, push my Etsy shop to the next level, pick up painting and drawing, improve my cooking skills and... keep on blogging! :D
So that's it for tonight!
Oh, and it's a bit late, but Happy 2014 to all of you! :D
Ps : You might notice there has been a few changes around the blog, well I'm just getting started. Stay tuned for a lovely 2014 blog redesign : )
Meanwhile, the poll section is always up. If you have a few minutes, I could use your advices : )
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